Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The new appliances

They are finally ready! These are accurate renditions of vintage appliances in half scale and cast in resin. All made in the USA! These miniatures are completely finished. For now all are available in white, however, soon the range will be offered in correct colors too.

The range is a 1940's to 50's Chambers Gas Range. The refrigerator is a 1928 Frigidaire and the ringer washer is '40's to 50's. They will probably be in short supply for a time because it will take a while to cast up enough parts, assemble and paint them. The pricing is $20 for the Frigidaire and $30 each for the washer and the range. As an introductory special I will send all three in one order post paid in the US for $75.

I plan on many more miniatures, however, I must see if these are successful first. E-mail me at for order information.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Busy, busy,busy...

I have been hiding at the workbench for the past month or more. The finishing touches are going into the design of the first Storefront kit. Some changes have been made to the design and construction which I hope to be improvements.

There are also two and soon to be three early appliances coming. A Chambers Range, Frigidaire Refrigerator and soon a wringer washer. All will be available as completely finished miniatures. The ranges will be available in white, cream, red and green as per the real ones.

Back to the patterns...